Lea Joyner offers numerous Sunday School classes for adults at 10:00am every week where we pray for each other and study the Bible together. Feel free to try out any of the classes listed. You will be warmly welcomed!
Bennie Fuller’s Soul Sisters
This is a class for women of all ages. They prayerfully support each others’ joys and concerns and practice being the hands and feet of Christ through various mission opportunities. They choose our own study material and are currently studying various books of the Bible, openly discussing God’s Word and how it reflects in today’s world and our lives. All women are invited to come and join. The class meets in Room 4.
This is a class of individuals and couples who are dealing with teenagers in the house, adjusting to empty nests, becoming new grandparents and learning to care for their own parents. They focus on Bible study which always leads to discussions of similar experiences within our daily lives. Participants enjoy a very relaxed atmosphere with a money back guarantee of at least one belly laugh per Sunday. They meet in the Christian Life Center (CLC) Room 25.
This is a class of mission-minded individuals and couples who support church-sponsored activities, remember the shut-ins, and participate in numerous local and nationwide projects. They have periodic get-togethers outside of Sunday morning and use the Adult Bible Studies series during class. They meet in Room 6.
The Newcomer Class (named after Robert Newcomer) has a sweet Christian spirit and loves to fellowship each Sunday morning with Bible Study and much singing. They welcome people of all ages who desire to participate. Members of the class minister regularly stay in contact with each other throughout the week. They meet in the northern part of the Sanctuary building.
Open Door
This class enjoys spirit filled discussion in an informal setting. They may study topical material that focuses on effective tools for Christian living or they may study a book of the Bible or video. The class is taught by several members of the class on a rotation basis and meets in Room 3.
Pastor’s Class
This class has adult members of all ages with most being 60 and older. They enjoy fun and fellowship while studying the Bible led by an excellent teacher, Roger Smith. They regularly have good eats, usually sweets, each Sunday. They meet on the south side of the sanctuary near the choir room. All are invited to join them for a good time of learning, fellowship and fun.
Whit Rodgers Men’s Class
This class meets upstairs in the Christian Life Center (CLC) in Room 37, utilizing a variety of literature including a detailed study and discussion of the scriptures. They also conduct a Christian outreach ministry centered around building handicap ramps for individuals in need as well as other carpentry projects. The class is moderated by David Key. All adult men are welcome.