Giving is important
Online Giving
2023 Time and Talent Survey
2024 Online Estimate of Giving
Frequently Asked Questions About Giving:
Why Give to Lea Joyner Church?
Lea Joyner Church runs entirely on donations from men and women who are part of our church. We use these funds to pay for ministry supplies, utilities and maintenance on our facility, and our pastors and staff. Giving to Lea Joyner ensures we can continue our mission of Knowing Jesus and Making Him Known in our community and our world.
Why Make an Estimate of Giving?
When you complete an estimate of giving, it helps our church plan for the next year. We make many decisions based on the amount of money we expect to receive, and the clearer we can be on that amount, the more confident we can be in our ministry decisions.
How Much Should I Give?
While there is no set amount required, scripture gives advice on how much to give: Malachi 3:10 says: “Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in my house, and thus put me to the test, says the LORD of hosts; see if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you an overflowing blessing.” The “tithe” God refers to in this passage literally means “one tenth” of our income. For instance, if someone makes $50,000 per year, a tithe would be $5,000 per year or $96 per week. According to Malachi, those who tithe to the Lord will receive many blessings in return.
However, at Lea Joyner, we are not legalistic about tithing. Instead, we adhere to Paul’s words in 2 Corinthians 9:7, which says: “Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” Therefore, we ask everyone to prayerfully consider how much of their income they can give to God through Lea Joyner Church in order to help us fulfill our God-given Mission and Vision.
What If I Can Only Give A Little?
We realize every person is in a different financial position. Some are capable of large gifts without hardly missing the money, while others struggle to pay regular bills and feel like they can’t give anything. Most of us are somewhere in between.
Remember the story of the widow’s mite? Jesus watched people put gifts into the Temple Treasury. He barely acknowledged the large gifts, but praised the woman who only gave two pennies. This is why, at Lea Joyner Church, we encourage everyone to give whatever they can because all gifts are precious to God.
What If I Want To Make A Large Gift?
We accept gifts of all sizes. If you need to make a gift of something other than cash (such as stock or property), please contact the church office for assistance.
What If I Need To Adjust My Estimate Later?
You can always make adjustments by calling the church office. We do not consider any amount to be a binding commitment, but a good-faith estimate.
How Can I Turn In My Estimate Of Giving Card?
We have a few options for returning estimates of giving:
- You can complete an estimate of giving online.
- You can place a completed card in the offering plate during worship.
- You can mail or hand-deliver a card to our secure mailbox at the church office.
What If I Have Another Question That Isn’t Answered Here?
Please contact the church office for assistance. We will be glad to help you in any way we can.